CRACK #3: finding equalvalents at URBANOUTFITTERS
So for all the young people from 15 - 35 living in the geographical locations of the US and the UK, they would have, at some point, stepped into an UrbanOutfitters store*. It is a must have stepping point that each and every other fashionasta have come across in their life on the way to high end fashion. Apart from Forever 21, the even cheaper alternative to the chain store, this is the place where a lot of teenage girls gets their inspiration from, or for young women in their mid-twenties to buy alternative items that can temporarily act as a supplement to the pair of perfect high-end jeans or leather jacket that they are longing for.
* note: unless you are not into the trashy hipster trend that dominates 70% of the young population in major cities.
The stuff sold at Urbanoutfitters are tailored to the Hippie inspired lifestyles of young people, the kind that loves to dress like a hippe, but definitely do have the cash to spend $100 on a PVC made-in-china vintage-inspired purse. Their targeted customers are college students who opposes the preppy american style (i.e Abercrombie & Fitch, Rugby), and often invites independent artsits and designers to do special products for their store, and sponsors enviromentally or Human Rights conscious (whatever that sounds like a good cause) events to build up their brand image as a . Basically, the coporate is building their hippie empire one by one by competing local independent stores out of the market with their marked up made-by-third-world-countries goodies.
So one way to make friends with fashion lovers is to talk about how you used to love UrbanOutfitters, but would now puke to the idea of stepping into the store again*. ( at the same time praying to yourself that they won't find out you got your necklace from their online store) Talk about how you used to love their BDG jeans, their sandals and their lace tops, and then trash about how you find the quality of the items bad, and most of all, a big copy cat and insult to all the genius it-designers of the 21st century (i.e Alexander wang, Rick Owens, Balenciaga).
*This is the same theory that when you were in junior high, you used to hate aeropostle and think American Eagle is what the cool kids wear.
Though, many fashinastas would admit, as much as they dispise Urbanoutfitters nowadays, they still thank the store for being a part of their shopping memory in their youthful days.
P.S - this post is dedicated to one of my other favourite blog, Stuff white people likes. If you've noticed, the writing style of this post is greatly inspired by the blogger of that site.
What inspired me on this post is the little shopping spree at that I just had half an hour ago. Although I do puke at the idea of going in their stores, I do occasionally go to their online store to check whether they have any Rick owens wannabe jackets and Balmain-inspired jeans there. Yes, I am a contradicting, self-clueless bitch with no stance. Hey, I got 10 items for a ridiculously delicious price, what's a laid-off fashionasta gotta do? I can even afford the idea to consider a 2k leather jacket. :(
Here are the list of items I bought:
1. Rendez-Vous by Paul & Joe Sister Normandy Cape

I plan to DIY this jacket with chains and studs. Will show pictures of the product after it's finished.
2. Coincidence & Chance Spacedye Cardigan

To be DIYed item #2
4. Pins and Needles Coming Up Rosie Triangle
6. Side Striped Tight
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